Master’s Degree Programme in Global Environment and Development (MERGED) – Webinar 2.10.2023

On 02.10.2023 at 4 p.m. we invite you to a presentation of the Master’s Degree Programme of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences – Erasmus Mundus Joint Master.

The event will be held in the form of a Webinar.

During the event, Prof. Carsten Smith-Hall, University of Copenaghen will present the MERGED course followed by an introduction to each track:

  • The track on „Sustainable Environmental Development,” Prof. Mariola Zalewska, University of Warsaw
  • The track on „Agricultural Development,” Prof. Carlo Pozzi, University of Milano

You will also get answers to all your questions.

The event will be held in English.

To participate, register on the website: and sign in for the event.

More informations about MERGED at:



Welcome Days- September 28-29

The Welcome Point team cordially invites new international long-term students to a unique meeting specially prepared to provide all the necessary information for the start of their journey at the University of Warsaw (UW).

– Meeting in Polish: September 28 (Thursday)
– Meeting in English: September 29 (Friday)

Both sessions will begin at 11:00 am.

Auditorium Maximum building, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28

How to register?
– Register for the meeting in Polish:
– Register for the meeting in English:

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Welcome Point via email:

Also visit, where soon will be published an offer of adaptation classes!

Welcome day for students of Sustainable Development: September, 29 at 2 pm

welcome dayDear Students! We are all very excited about the new academic year 2023/24 and we are looking forward to meet You at the University of Warsaw during realization of the Sustainable Development graduation course.

To make a good start for You we would like to invite You for the welcome day for students of Sustainable Development which will be held at the Department of Geology (the same building, where the office of UCBS is), room 3119, on 29th of September, 2023 at 2.00 p.m.

During the welcome day we would like to tell you all the important issues about the SD courses. The meeting will be also held in the remote way. Link to the meeting together with the presentation which is going to be shown during our meeting will be sent to You later.

Please also take in mind that the Welcome Point of the University of Warsaw is organizing Welcome Day 2023 You can participate in one of two stationary meetings:
Meeting in Polish: September 28th (Thursday)
Meeting in English: September 29th (Friday)
Both sessions will commence at 11:00 a.m.

We will see You personally on our meeting in the room no 3119 of Geology Department Building, Żwirki I Wigury street, no. 93 at 2.00 pm

Rector’s scholarship 2023/2024

stypendium rektoraWe would like to inform you about the possibility of applying for the Rector’s scholarship.

Application for the scholarship will be launched on October 2, 2023.
Applications are submitted fully electronically, i.e., the application is filled out and signed electronically using the USOSweb service. It is not necessary to bring the signed application to the dean’s office/secretariat.

The deadline for submission of the application is October 16, 2023.

All questions about the Rector’s scholarship should be addressed directly to the University’s Office of Material Aid at Students can also look for information on our website

For more information on scholarships at UW, please visit the Social Affairs tab

Inauguration of the 2023/2024 academic year at UCBS

inauguracja roku

You are cordially invited to the inauguration of the 2023/2024 academic year at the University’s Center for Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development, which will be held:

October 5 (Thursday) 2023

4:30 pm

Room 1012, p. 1,

Geology Department building, 93 Żwirki i Wigury Street.

This year, the event will be highlighted by a lecture by Dr. Katarzyna Delura of the Department of Geology: “From Geognosis to Conservation of Natural Resources”.

Informational meeting for Candidates

Dear Candidates,

You are kindly invited to an informational meeting on the Inter-Faculty Studies on Environmental Protection (MSOS) and the Sustainable Development Studies (SD).

The meeting will be held online on September 5, 2023:

– at 13:00 for those accepted or interested in recruiting for the Sustainable Development Studies;

– at 15:00 for those accepted or interested in recruiting for the Inter-Faculty Studies in Environmental Protection.

At the meeting, the UCBS team will present the studies and answer questions from participants.  The meeting will be attended by:

– UCBS Director, Dr. Mariola Zalewska,

– UCBS Director of Teaching and Learning, Dr. Aleksander Jakubowski,

– Head of MSOS Studies, Dr. Alicja Bobrowska,

– Head of SD Studies, Dr. Anna Batorczak.

We kindly ask you to notify your participating in the meeting by September 4, 2023 by sending an email at A link to the meeting will be provided in the reply to your email.

The sooner you submit your questions, the better we will be able to prepare answers. Therefore, to ensure the efficiency of the meeting, please send your questions to by August 31, 2023.

See you soon,


Submission of documents.

We would like to thank all candidates for their great interest and participation in the recruitment for studies

I degree in the field of Inter-faculty Studies in Environmental Protection

II degree in the field of Inter-faculty Studies in Environmental Protection

II degree in the field of Sustainable Development

We invite candidates qualified for studies to submit the required documents to the UCBS Student Affairs Office, Warsaw, Żwirki i Wigury st. 93, 2nd floor, room 2005.

The list of required documents is at:

Submission of documents takes place on July 21-25, 2023 from 10:00 to 15:00 – for MSOŚ field of studies.

Submission of documents takes place on July 20-24, 2023 from 10:00 to 15:00 – for SD field of study.

Scholarships on the topic of “Spatial intelligence: Digitalisation and the making of spatial sustainability transformations”

DLGS is a joint interdisciplinary facility of the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) and the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) in Germany and hosts around 12 PhD candidates working on different topics under the bigger umbrella of sustainability science. The candidates are offered scholarships to conduct their PhD research at different faculties of TUD and supervised by Professors at School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and School of Humanities and Social Sciences.
The current call highlights the significant influence of societal digitization on future spatial development. As data and digital capacity continue to grow, digital applications are rapidly permeating all aspects of life, fundamentally changing public opinion-making, political decision-making, and the patterns of land use and settlement. To facilitate a sustainable transformation of neighborhoods, cities, and regions, it is crucial to explore the emerging interactions between spatial developments and digitally enhanced spatial awareness, perceptions, understandings, and decision-making processes. Against this backdrop, DLGS is seeking innovative research proposals that engage with novel forms of spatial intelligence. The proposals should focus on transformative changes in governance and planning, location and mobility, or sustainability assessment.

Candidates with a Master’s degree in disciplines such as geography, urban planning, environmental sciences, engineering, humanities, and more, are invited to apply.
Selected candidates will receive a full-time scholarship for a duration of 3 years, with the possibility of extension. The DLGS scholarship includes a monthly stipend of 1465 €, along with travel and research activity expenses. Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches are strongly encouraged. The application process in the first step, invites a two page short proposal as an expression of interest. The deadline is August 10th, 2023.

For further information or inquiries, please contact the DLGS directly or visit the website at

 DLGS is a joint interdisciplinary facility of the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) and the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) in Germany and hosts around 12 PhD candidates working on different topics under the bigger umbrella of sustainability science. The candidates are offered scholarships to conduct their PhD research at different faculties of TUD and supervised by Professors at School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and School of Humanities and Social Sciences.
The current call highlights the significant influence of societal digitization on future spatial development. As data and digital capacity continue to grow, digital applications are rapidly permeating all aspects of life, fundamentally changing public opinion-making, political decision-making, and the patterns of land use and settlement. To facilitate a sustainable transformation of neighborhoods, cities, and regions, it is crucial to explore the emerging interactions between spatial developments and digitally enhanced spatial awareness, perceptions, understandings, and decision-making processes. Against this backdrop, DLGS is seeking innovative research proposals that engage with novel forms of spatial intelligence. The proposals should focus on transformative changes in governance and planning, location and mobility, or sustainability assessment.

Candidates with a Master’s degree in disciplines such as geography, urban planning, environmental sciences, engineering, humanities, and more, are invited to apply.
Selected candidates will receive a full-time scholarship for a duration of 3 years, with the possibility of extension. The DLGS scholarship includes a monthly stipend of 1465 €, along with travel and research activity expenses. Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches are strongly encouraged. The application process in the first step, invites a two page short proposal as an expression of interest. The deadline is August 10th, 2023.

For further information or inquiries, please contact the DLGS directly or visit the website at

Graduation ceremony

The graduation ceremony of graduates of the University Center for Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development was held on July 14, 2023.
Congratulations to the promoted students were delivered by UCBS Director of Education PhD. Alexander Jakubowski. He expressed his conviction that UCBS graduates will use the knowledge, skills and energy they have gained to ensure a better future for our planet. The congratulatory letters were handed out by the host of the event, Dean of the Faculty of Management at UW, Prof. Grzegorz Karasiewicz, PhD. Graduated students were accompanied at the ceremony by the head of the MSOŚ studies, PhD. Alicja Bobrowska, and the head of the SD studies, PhD. Anna Batorczak, as well as a representative of the student government, Katarzyna Olesiuk.

The list of graduated students:

1. Maria Brozdowicz
2. Emilia Rogowska
3. Katarzyna Witkowska
4. Łukasz Witul
5. Daria Wojciechowska
6. Paulina Klosiewicz
7. MD Abid Hasan
8. Beryl Okal

After the master’s and bachelor’s promotion ceremony, its participants went to refreshments in the gardens of the Faculty of Management.

The UCBS team wishes all graduates much success and satisfaction!