Graduation ceremony

The graduation ceremony of graduates of the University Center for Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development was held on July 14, 2023.
Congratulations to the promoted students were delivered by UCBS Director of Education PhD. Alexander Jakubowski. He expressed his conviction that UCBS graduates will use the knowledge, skills and energy they have gained to ensure a better future for our planet. The congratulatory letters were handed out by the host of the event, Dean of the Faculty of Management at UW, Prof. Grzegorz Karasiewicz, PhD. Graduated students were accompanied at the ceremony by the head of the MSOŚ studies, PhD. Alicja Bobrowska, and the head of the SD studies, PhD. Anna Batorczak, as well as a representative of the student government, Katarzyna Olesiuk.

The list of graduated students:

1. Maria Brozdowicz
2. Emilia Rogowska
3. Katarzyna Witkowska
4. Łukasz Witul
5. Daria Wojciechowska
6. Paulina Klosiewicz
7. MD Abid Hasan
8. Beryl Okal

After the master’s and bachelor’s promotion ceremony, its participants went to refreshments in the gardens of the Faculty of Management.

The UCBS team wishes all graduates much success and satisfaction!

Posted in News.