IPLC – Intensive Polish Language Course for UW students 2022!

Dear Student,
The University of Warsaw is offering an unpaid 40-hour intensive Polish language course.

The course is aimed at preparing international students for living, learning, working and enjoying living in Poland. Participants of the course will explore at the elementary level secrets of the Polish language and acquire knowledge of Polish culture essential to reside in Poland, eg. how to buy a ticket, order a coffee or lunch, how to find your way around UW and dealing with basic affairs and phrases essential for social life in Poland. This is a unique option to meet colleagues from all over the world before the start of the classes and feel confident with Polish before coming to University. In this course, intended for students of last 4 semesters at the University of Warsaw, we offer:

  • free participation
  •  40 hours of Polish language at basic level
  •  professional and passionate teaching team
  • great atmosphere in international environment

WHEN: 19-30 September 2022
Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

WHERE: the Main Campus of the University of Warsaw, 26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street.

Who can apply?
2nd and 3rd year students of 1st cycle (Bachelor’s degree)
4th and 5th year students of uniform Master studies
students of second cycle (Master’s degree)

Hurry up! The places are limited.
Registration will start on 6 th  July. To register please visit IRK page.

first round: 6 th  of July – 29 st  of July 2022
second round: 2 nd – 16 th  of August 2022
third round: 19 th – 31 th  of August 2022 (third round will be open in case of non-exhaustion of the limit of slots in the previous rounds)

For more details please contact Welcome Point: welcome@uw.edu.pl

‘Intensive Polish Language Course’ is organised within the Integrated Development Programme at the University of Warsaw and funded by European Social Fund. The objective, pursuing at the University of Warsaw between 2018-2022, is to develop competence of students and employees as well as implement the instruments which upgrade the management process of the University of Warsaw.

Офіс міжнародних відносин оголошує початок набору заявок у програмі

Офіс міжнародних відносин оголошує початок набору заявок у програмі: „ Study Visits Programme for Ukrainian Students and Doctoral Candidates at the University of Warsaw”

details in the link below:
Study Visits Programme for Ukrainian Students and Doctoral Candidates

Erasmus + Short-term mixed practices 2021/22 and 2022/23.

The rules of short-term mixed practices were published on the BWZ website, which on May 16 this year have been approved by the appropriate Vice-Rector http://bwz.uw.edu.pl/praktyki-krotkoterminowe-erasmus-2021-2022-oraz-2022-2023/

Short-term short-term mixed practices are new to Erasmus +, where the physical part of the mobility can last from 5 to 30 days and, in the case of first cycle, second cycle or long cycle studies, must be combined with virtual activities.

Questions and doubts regarding short-term mixed practices should be directed to erasmusbwz@uw.edu.pl or by phone to the number 22 55 24 068.

The Baltic University Programme- Support for Ukrainian scholars and students – compiled list of information

Support for scholars

The Baltic Science Bridge, an initiative to support Ukrainian scholars and scientists unable to work due to the war. The initiative is being led by the BUP Associate Secretariat at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. The Baltic Science Bridge is meant to give Ukrainian scholars and scientists an opportunity to live and perform some academic work in a Baltic Sea country which is not part of the conflict. Read more about the initiative on the BUP website.

The University of Gdańsk has launched the “Polish-Ukrainian scientific programme” dedicated to scientists from Ukraine. As part of the programme, scientists from Ukraine who will carry out research together with scientists from UG may receive a scholarship of 100 PLN/day. Stay of the scientist may last from 1 to 30 days. The University also provides a place to work and a scientific supervisor. See more on the university website or send an e-mail to ukraina@ug.edu.pl.

Philipp Schwartz Initiative for researchers at risk allows researchers who are subject to significant and continuous personal threat in their country of origin to continue their work at German universities and research institutions.

The Volkswagen Foundation wants to support Ukrainian scientists in temporarily continuing their scientific work in Germany.

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) supports researchers who have fled their home countries by making it easier for them to join research projects and apply for funding under the Walter Benjamin Programme.

The Gerda Henkel Foundation is reaching out to past and current grant holder as regards individual scholarships for scholars who are at risk or who had been forced to flee. They can themselves get assistance or can recommend support for other persons employed at Ukrainian universities.

MitOst e.V. a Berlin-based non-profit association fostering cultural exchange, coordinates the collaborative efforts of civil society organisations that are directly supporting on-the-ground efforts to secure people, provide protection, facilitate evacuations, and connect to temporary accommodation.

Polycentricity and Plurality of Premodern Christianities (POLY) at Goethe University Frankfurt offers five scholarships to Ukrainian historians who are forced to leave their country. Scholarships consist of 3000 € per month each and are initially limited to four months. They address post-doctoral scholars in medieval and early modern history with a focus on religious plurality. There is no deadline and no formal application. Read more about the scholarships.

PAUSE program opens a special call for emergency assistance to Ukrainian researchers in danger, through an emergency fund granted by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

SFF offers help to Ukrainian researchers who come to Sweden in 2022. Within the call “SSF individual grants for Ukrainian scientists 2022” there is 30 million SEK is allocated and aimed towards Ukrainian citizens with a doctoral degree.

The Austrian Academy of Sciences is offering an emergency call for applications from Ukrainian researchers as part of its academic mobility programme “Joint Excellence in Science and Humanities” (JESH).

The SNSF is making available 1 million francs to host researchers from Ukraine at universities in Switzerland through Scholars at Risk and supporting them with a series of additional measures.

Czech Republic
The Neuron Science Endowment Fund, its patrons and IOCB Tech have teamed up to help young scientists who are currently leaving Ukraine seeking a new refuge in the Czech Republic.

United Kingdom
Cara (the Council for At-Risk Academics) helps academics at immediate risk around the world to escape to a place of safety where they can continue their work. Read more about the support they offer on their website.

More important initiatives
Science for Ukraine, a community group of volunteer students and research scientists from academic institutions in Europe and around the world. On their website you can find open positions for researchers directly affected by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Central European University (CEU) has a lot of initiatives for helping scholars. Among many initiatives all vacant rooms at the Budapest Kerepesi Dormitories have been made available to accommodate alumni and their families fleeing the war in Ukraine free of charge and they aim to expand the offer of fellowships to scholars from Ukraine. Read more about the CEU initiatives on their website.

Labs supporting Ukrainian Scientists is a list of well-over 100 labs that may be able to help Ukrainian Scientists.

UkraineTakeShelter.com is an independent platform connecting Ukrainian refugees with potential hosts and housing.

Support for students

SGH Warsaw School of Economics
The university has, among many other important initiatives, introduced special rules related to the educational part of the academic year (e.g., waiving tuition, flexible registration for courses, flexible regulations pertaining to courses/exams requirements, etc.) and established an SGH voluntary service to support Ukrainian students and their families. If you are interested in studying at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, please send an email to: admission@sgh.waw.pl

University of Agriculture in Nitra
The university is for example offering financial support via a special scholarship. The scholarship is provided from the university’s own resources in cash in the amount of € 300 for students I. and II. degree of study in full-time form. Students will be notified of more detailed information about the dates and place of payment. Furthermore there are opportunities to complete academic mobility, work stays and postdoctoral stays at SUA in Nitra for students, employees and doctoral students of Ukrainian universities, contact address regarding this is: vladislav.valach@uniag.sk
Any request in general can be sent to: ukrajina@uniag.sk

Kaunas University of Technology (KTU)
Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) is supporting the Ukrainian students fleeing the war by providing them tuition-free studies in the study programmes taught in English. The support extends to the students in all study levels, including those who are currently studying at KTU.

University of Gdańsk
The Students’ Legal Clinic is preparing to provide support in informing students about obtaining a secure status in Poland. The University is in contact with NAWA regarding the admission of refugee students under scholarships for foreigners. The university have reduced fees for Ukrainian students for the current preparatory courses for Polish language certificate exams. Students from Ukraine who have come to Poland may apply for a transfer to study. See more information on the university website.

University of Helsinki
University of Helsinki grants the right to complete non-degree studies to persons who have arrived in Finland and whose degree studies have been suspended at the Ukrainian higher education institution due to war. Ukrainian citizens will not be charged for studies at Open University until autumn 2023.

Central European University (CEU)
The CEU has a lot of initiatives for helping students. Among many initiatives they have a Student Emergency Fund, they have waived the registration fee for students from Ukraine and they are actively fundraising for scholarships for Ukrainian students through a solicitation campaign. Read more about the CEU initiatives on their website.

STAR (Student Action for Refugees)
STAR campaigns for and supports the creation of scholarships to improve access to university for people who have claimed asylum in the UK. On their website you can find a list of scholarship opportunities in the UK, together with advice for your application and information about other funding opportunities.

More useful initiatives and support

Science for Ukraine, a community group of volunteer students and research scientists from academic institutions in Europe and around the world. On their website you can find open positions for students directly affected by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Article 26 Backpack empowers young people to plan and structure their higher education, training and career pathways. The Backpack provides them with a way to safely store and share with universities, scholarship agencies, and even employers their educational background, employment history, professional achievements and goals.

Support and protection at the UW against discrimination

Ladies and gentlemen,

In connection with the crisis situation in Ukraine, we would like to remind you and provide you with information about support available at the University of Warsaw for those who have experienced discrimination, violence, unfair or unequal treatment. We kindly encourage you to inform the members of the academic community about the possibilities of obtaining such support.

We would also like to draw your attention to the difficult situation of Russians and Belarusians who belong to the academic community. It is important to remember that protection against discrimination and unequal treatment applies to all members of our community.

Please report any incidents related to conflicts, unfair treatment, as well as hate speech, to the following address: ombudsman@uw.edu.pl.

In case of discrimination, you can contact the equality specialist, who can submit a formal complaint to the Anti-Discrimination Committee: rownouprawnienie@uw.edu.pl

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the constantly updated information on the possibility of joining aid actions, and for those who need support – we encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the University (including legal, psychological, material support). Detailed information can be found on the main website of the University of Warsaw: https://en.uw.edu.pl/solidarity-with-ukraine/.

The university community will not leave any person in need or alone.

Equality team at the University of Warsaw

Academic Ombudsman’s team