First-year SD students’ workshop on sustainable development.

On May 23, students of the first year of Sustainable Development conducted educational classes on sustainable development.

The first group explained to students from the Primary British School of Wilanów what the Sustainable Development Goals are, presenting a beautifully prepared poster, which after the class was given to the school. There was also an interactive activity during which the students were able to demonstrate how each of them can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, and the importance of cooperation and agreement during the implementation of tasks. All students and participating teachers received symbolic seeds of forget-me-nots.
The gift refers to the symbol of the forget-me-not, which in Poland is identified with involvement in environmental protection. In the afternoon of the same day, we went to the UW Department of Oriental Studies where students from the Department of Japanese Studies took part in a workshop organized by a second group of SD students.

Here, too, the main topic was the idea of Sustainability. Japanese Studies students in groups moderated by SD students took part in discussions and quizzes about various aspects of sustainability. It should be noted the excellent preparation of SD students, who based the discussion on sustainability on elements of Japanese culture. Among other things, they used the plot of the famous anime film Princess Mononoke to hold a discussion on the depiction of people’s relationship with nature in art, as well as how films and other art forms can be used to deepen knowledge and awareness of various aspects of sustainability.

In the next workshop, students referred to the tradition of caring for a Bonsai tree by referring to the symbolism of depicting aspects of nature as spiritual concepts. The most active workshop participants were awarded bonsai trees. Both workshops were excellently prepared and, as a result, the participants took part in them with real commitment and enthusiasm. We hope that in the future Sustainable Development students will regularly engage in education for sustainable development.

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