MERGED- Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Global Environment and Development

Welcome to the MERGED– Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Global Environment and Development!

The general aim is to create globally competitive graduates who can identify critical aspects of renewable natural resource management for economic, environmental, institutional, and societal development and develop appropriate and feasible solutions. MERGED graduates will become professionals in private and public companies, I/NGOs, government bodies, and research institutions. They benefit from interdisciplinary knowledge, direct sector exposure, practical field experiences, specialised abilities to target sustainability problems, and thus high employability. MERGED is unique in educating graduates who can deal with interdisciplinary challenges at the nexus of renewable environmental resources and sustainable development.


Local Coordinator of the merged project is Anna Batorczak, PhD.

Office hours (consultations) for GED students are every Wednesday from 12.00 to 1.30 p.m. in room 1108 at the Faculty of Geology.

Before the meeting, please make an appointment by e-mail:

The person dedicated for support to the GED students, and administrative affairs is Adam Tarkowski, PhD,


We aim to deliver the first-ever joint degree across the partner universities and the 4EU+ European University Alliance. MERGED is offered by the University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science; the University of Warsaw, Centre for Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development; and the Università degli Studi di Milano, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

All are partners in the 4EU+ Alliance and are committed to simultaneously deepening teaching collaboration, enhancing teaching quality, and increasing collaboration. We collaborate with a strong global Associate Partner network. MERGED acts globally to promote a European vision of the environmental-development nexus, enhancing attractiveness through the programme’s reputation, innovative teaching approaches, integrated cross-country and cross-institutional collaboration, and the career profiles of graduates.

When to apply?

The Application Portal opens:

Citizens from any country not mentioned below: 15 November

Citizens from EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, or Switzerland: 16 January


MERGED is a two-year (120 ECTS) programme. The first year of study takes place in Copenhagen and the second in either Warsaw or Milan dependent on your choice of specialisation. The language of instruction is English. The choice of mobility tracks is made at the time of application.

First Year- structure and content in Copenhagen

This year provides knowledge and experience of interdisciplinarity, a thorough and broad introduction to environment-development issues, and preparing you for your second-year specialisation while also developing your generic skills and academic potential. More specifically, the first year:

  • provides you with an understanding of the principles and processes that underpin environment-development challenges and solutions, with particular importance assigned to interdisciplinarity
  • provides you with methods to collect primary data in the field, then takes you to the field (at various global destinations) to practice these methods
  • prepares you for your second-year specialisation
  • develops your intellectual, practical, numeracy, communication, information and communication technology, interpersonal/teamwork, self-management, and professional development skills
  • inculcates the values of scholarship: inquiry, reflection, integrity, open-mindedness, evidence-based thinking, and collegiality

First-year programme overview

In Copenhagen, there are four blocks (each is nine weeks) of teaching each year. Each block is 15 ECTS, with 1 ECTS equivalent to around 28 work hours. The elective courses are entirely free – you can choose what you want. The restricted elective courses must be selected from the specific list of courses (see below) for your line of specialisation.

Compulsory courses: 30 ECTS
Restricted elective courses: 15 ECTS
Elective courses: 15 ECTS

Year Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4
1 Global Challenges in Environment and Development Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Environment and Development Practicing Interdisciplinary Field Research on the Environment Elective course
1 Restricted elective course Restricted elective course Practicing Interdisciplinary Field Research on the Environment Elective course

Specialisation: Agricultural Development (second year at University of Milan)

The restricted elective courses (a total of 15 ECTS) must be chosen from the list below. Click on each course for a detailed description:

Course Title Block ECTS
Tropical Crop Production  1 7.5 ECTS
Advanced Crop Production 1 7.5 ECTS
Experimental Soil Analysis 1 7.5 ECTS
Life Cycle Assessment within Biological Production Systems 1 7.5 ECTS
Agroforestry 2 7.5 ECTS
Applied Insect Ecology and Biological Control 2 7.5 ECTS
Applied Agrohydrology 2 7.5 ECTS
Global Environmental Governance 31 7.5 ECTS
Plant Ecophysiology in a Changing Climate 31 7.5 ECTS
Land Use and Environmental Modelling 31 7.5 ECTS
Tropical Forest Restoration 4 7.5 ECTS
Environmental Impact Assessment 4 7.5 ECTS
Entrepreneurship and Innovation 1+4 7.5 ECTS
Agricultural Value Chains in Developing Countries 4 7.5 ECTS
1 Note that students will not usually take elective courses in block 3 as this block is fully occupied by the 15 ECTS “Practicing Interdisciplinary Field Research on the Environment” course

Specialisation: Susatinable Environmental Development (second year at University of Warsaw)

The restricted elective courses (a total of 15 ECTS) must be chosen from the below list. Click on each course for a detailed description:

Course Title Block ECTS
Applied Ethnobotany 1 7.5 ECTS
Political Ecology 1 7.5 ECTS
Land Use Transitions in the Global South 1 7.5 ECTS
Applied Econometrics 1 7.5 ECTS
Global Forests and People 1 7.5 ECTS
People, Poverty and Environmental Change 2 7.5 ECTS
Participatory Natural Resource Governance 2 7.5 ECTS
Globalisation and Dynamics in Global Value Chains 2 7.5 ECTS
Environmental Justice 2 7.5 ECTS
Global Environmental Governance 2 7.5 ECTS
Human Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability 31 7.5 ECTS
Rural-Urban Transformations in the Global South 4 7.5 ECTS
Critical Development Studies 4 7.5 ECTS
Agricultural Value Chains in Developing Countries 4 7.5 ECTS
Gender, Environment and Sustainable Development 4 7.5 ECTS
1 Note that students will not usually take elective courses in block 3 as this block is fully occupied by the 15 ECTS “Practicing Interdisciplinary Field Research on the Environment” course

Second Year- structure and content in Milan

The second year specialistion in Milan is on Agricultural Development. The compulsory modules continue the agricultural development specialisation commenced in the first year (with emphasis on plants), focusing on livestock, water management, and mechanization. The main aims are to:

  • develop students’ understanding of the principles and processes that underpin sustainable agricultural development
  • develop students’ abilities in the use of information technology, teamwork, communication skills and time management in an agriculture and development context
  • provide students with knowledge and skills needed by commercial companies, NGOs, and governments responding to current challenges to agricultural systems
  • equip students for a career in sustainable agricultural development and allied professions requiring an ability to synthesise concepts and ideas and to take a holistic view

Second-year modules on the Milano natural science mobility track, compulsory modules are shaded 

1 Each student chooses at least 11 ECTS among the 11 modules: 1. Experimental methodologies in agriculture (6 ECTS); 2. Biomass and waste recycling (7); 3. Environmental impact of agro-food production systems (4); 4. Agro-environmental analysis and modelling (6); 5. Energy for agriculture (6); 6. Plant disease and pest management (6); 7. Cropping systems (8); 8. Natural resources economics (6); 9. International cooperation and crop-livestock systems (6); 10. Characterisation and management of animal and plant genetic resources (6); or 11. Adaptation of livestock systems to climate change (6)

Second Year- structure and content in Warsaw

The second-year specialisation in Warsaw is on Sustainable Environmental Development. The compulsory modules focus on studying environment and development issues in relation to contemporary social challenges. The main aims are to:

  • develop students’ understanding of the principles and processes that underpin sustainable development and enable them to apply these principles to environmental development
  • develop students’ abilities in the use of information technology, communication skills, and time management in an environment and development context
  • develop students’ abilities to use methods, assess data, and design feasible environment-development interventions
  • equip students for a career in sustainable development and allied professions requiring an ability to synthesise concepts and ideas and to take a holistic view

Second-year modules on the Warsaw social science mobility track, compulsory modules are shaded 

1 Each student chooses at least 11 ECTS from the nine modules: 1. Innovations and Knowledge Transfer (4 ECTS), 2. Global Justice and Human Rights (6), 3. Challenges of the Social Dimension of Sustainability (3), 4. Research Study (8), 5. International Environmental Law (8), 6. Entrepreneurship, Leadership & CSR (3), 7. Reclamation, Remediation and Renaturalisation of the Environment (2), 8. The World at the Crossroads (2), 9. Communication, Education and Cooperation (3), or 10. Climate Change (3).


The MERGED Programme includes a thesis corresponding to 30 ECTS, including an intra-semester workshop (3 ECTS). The thesis must be written within the academic scope of the programme. The thesis must be based on empirical field work. The fieldwork can be combined with an internship at international organisations, NGOs, universities, or similar. The thesis is submitted and examined.


MERGED will educate high-quality graduates to become professionals in private companies working with sustainable production and trade of renewable natural resources, such as the food and agro-industry; public companies and I/NGOs involved in developing, implementing, managing, and monitoring renewable natural resource-oriented programs and projects, including certification and value chains; government bodies involved in monitoring and/or policy- related activities; and universities and research institutions where graduates are involved in research, including PhD programmes. Through interdisciplinary and disciplinary, multicultural real-life experiences and laboratory experiments, students will learn to identify, analyse, understand, and forecast complex systems.

MERGED was developed with all partners’ full participation and is fully integrated into the participating institutions while operating jointly, from application assessment through selection to evaluation and graduation.

The MERGED Consortium is made of the following 4EU+ Partner Universities:

– The University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Faculty of Science, Department of Food and Resource Economics, Denmark

– The University of Milan (UMIL), Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences – Production, Landscape, Agroenergy, Italy

– The University of Warsaw (UW), University Centre for Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development, Poland

4 Semesters  second cycle programme international programme, with 120 ECTS credit units.


To learn more about programme, admission requirements or application procedure visit:

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