As a result of education at the level of the first degree studies of the general-academic profile, the graduate of the Inter-Faculty Studies in Environmental Protection (MSOS)
- Possesses interdisciplinary general knowledge in the field of mathematical and natural sciences and environmental sciences and the ability to use it in his/her professional work and life, observing legal and ethical principles;
- Understands and analyzes processes taking place in nature and human impact on environment;
- Understand and analyse natural processes and the impact of humans on the environment; understand basic processes and problems relevant to environmental protection and be guided in their actions by the principles of sustainable development;
- Uses source information in Polish and English (e.g. maps, photographs, interviews, the Internet, specialist journals), makes analyses, syntheses, summaries, critical assessments and correct conclusions;
- Communicates with a socio-economic environment in speaking and writing, knows how to work in a team;
- Has a command of a foreign language at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe and the ability to use specialist language in the field of environmental protection;
- Is responsible for his/her own and others’ work safety;
- Is ready to deepen his/her knowledge in the field of environmental sciences and prepared to undertake further studies.
As a result of education at the level of II degree studies of the general-academic profile, the graduate of the Inter-Faculty Studies in Environmental Protection (MSOS)
- Perceives multiple relationships and dependencies between elements and environmental factors;
uses knowledge and research methods of various sciences; - Uses knowledge and research methods of various sciences; knows tools of environmental management, mechanisms and administrative procedures
foresees effects of human interference in natural environment; - Uses specialist terminology in Polish and English;
- Uses environmental models;
- Critically evaluates information about the environment;
- Uses modern information techniques;
- Appreciates the role of environmental education and sustainable development;
- Improves his/her professional skills;
- Is responsible for teamwork is aware of the political conditions of environmental protection
demonstrates the ability to prepare and write a diploma paper, prepare written and oral presentations of own research results in Polish and a short report in English