Ordinances of the KJD UCBS on the mode of conducting classes in the MSOŚ and SD courses.

In accordance with the announcements regarding remote work at UCBS, I would like to inform you that pursuant to the Ordinance No. 140 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw (issued on November 15, 2021), from January 10, 2022, classes at the 1st and 2nd degree MSOŚ and SD studies will be held in classrooms. This decision does not apply to physical education and foreign language classes. In these cases, the principles of conducting classes are determined by the relevant heads of units.

If the Rector of the University of Warsaw takes amending decisions, KJD UCBS will update the decisions to the new guidelines.

Zarządzenie nr 2/2021 KJD UCBS

Zarządzenie nr 3/2021 KJD UCBS

Posted in News, Announcements for students.